POSTPONED: CSGC Curaçao 2022
Due to COVID-19 related measures, it is with a heavy heart that Curaçao eGaming (“CEG”) has decided to postpone the Critical Supplier Gaming Conference 2022 (“CSGC Curaçao 2022”), originally scheduled to be held in the Renaissance Hotel in Curaçao on January 12, 2022. CSGC Curaçao 2022 will be rescheduled at the earliest opportunity.
Over the last 6 months, we've been working hard behind the scenes to design and prepare for CSGC Curaçao 2022. After all the hard work that we have put in, we are excited to be able to announce the first edition of CSGC Curaçao!
CSGC Curaçao shall be an annual event where local gaming industry professionals can meet and catch up on the latest developments on compliance, case law and much more! This years event shall be held in the Renaissance Hotel on January 12, 2022
Entrance to the event is free for CEG Accredited Suppliers, as well as college students and/or graduates who have applied to enroll in the CAGP Educational programme. For non-members the entrance fee shall be EUR 150 per person. Receive an early bird rate discount of EUR 50 if you register before December 20.
For attendance of this event, CEG Accredited suppliers receive 5 CAGP educational points, they shall also have access to a company showcase package at the CEG Academy stand at the ICE Gaming Convention 2022 (February 1 -3, London, UK). Register early, as the number of showcase packages available is limited.
With over 180 million license verification requests each month, Curaçao eGaming (“CEG”) is the leading private regulatory authority in gaming worldwide.
CEG: proudly Born & Built in Curaçao.